Quick, Affordable, Flexible & Multiple Hiring Options
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  • (+91) 959-150-8485
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  • Bengaluru, 560066
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  • info@iHRAssist.com

  • Do you have a free trial?
    Registering your Recruiter Account, Posting Jobs is FREE. Value Added Services comes with Affordable Hiring plans to suit every budget and need
  • Is there a scope of work defined?
    There are different types of pre-defined scope of work available and any specific uncovered requirements can be mentioned while submitting your requisition for us to include in the scope of work!
  • I am an SMB and do not have dedicated HR or bandwith to hire, what are my options?
    The idea of iHRAssisst.com is to help SMBs like yours for easy and affordable hiring. Delegate your hiring requirements and Relax, we will work as an extended HR team and fulfill your hiring open position(s) with structured process
  • Do I need to get into contracts or monthly subscription?
    We don't believe in locking our customers in long-term contracts, You decide and we will do the work for you. Engage & Dis-engage as per your needs!
  • Do I need to pay separately for HR services and Job Portals access?
    HRAssist.com offers unique 2-in-1 platform when you book a Eazy-Hire, Neo-Hire, Flexi-Hire, Niche-Hire, Virtual / Dedicated HR, Access to supported Job Portals and Resume database is FREE so no need to pay separately
  • What are the payment terms and conditions?
    Value Added Services payment has to be made once the hiring request is submitted and the go-ahead is given from the Hiring company
  • I just have one requirement, can iHRAssist.com team help?
    Yes, Ofcourse - For us every hiring requirement is important whether it is one or many
  • Can I customize my Hiring Requirement?
    Let us know your requirements and we will do our best to customize and support your hiring needs
  • What is the expectation from my side as an Hiring Company?
    Hiring Company should assign a Point of Contact for us to work with specified timeline for short-listing, interviews and on-boarding
  • How do I get in touch?
    We are available on Whatsapp, Phone & Email or Drop us a note below with your requirement and we will get in touch!
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