Every Organization, Big or Small, needs to have a well defined Hiring Strategy. Whether, Internal or External, Hiring has to be in alignment with Company Vision & Goals which is further demarked within the Hiring & Technical Organizations. The Hiring Organization has to partner with all the stakeholders to ensure alignment with every organization's KPIs and evolving needs
With iHRAssist.com as your Hiring Partner, Organizations can confidently collaborate & delegate their Recruitment to our specialist team & focus internally in strengthening their processes and have better coordination with their stakeholders.
In the Current Scenario, most Hiring teams are struggling with both internal & external stakeholders due to their external hiring partners unable to get the right talent as per their needs and urgency, and delays to respond with lack of quick turnaround which leads to fire fighting and dissatisfaction
How to implement step-by-step Hiring Processes
1. Strategy - Hiring team should analyze and review their current strategies including processes and hiring vendors value-add etc. to identify the areas of improvement. Once they identify the areas of improvement, they need to get the buy-in from their stakeholders or leadership to take it forward. Identify the low hanging fruites that can be accomplished within a short-span to start and proceed further.
2. Goals - Identify the goals, The team wants to achieve after the above exercise within the next quarter or 1-year and focus on that, Have a plan where in, Inputs are taken from various stakeholders to ensure the seriousness towards change
3. Success - Define success criteria by talking to the team and key stakeholders. There should be weekly or fortnightly updates about the progress to ensure that the improvement plan is implemented and the team is working towards the planned change
4. Target - Identify a small POC and try implementing such changes, be it internal processes, Hiring, Interviewing, Orientation, or Vendor management
iHRAssist Advantage
We bring extensive experience into the entire hiring process, considering access to multiple Job Portals, Resume Databases including internal databases to acquire the right candidate profiles list for shortlisting. We diligently suggest our hiring partners the areas of improvement & best practices to ensure SMART Hiring because WE Believe in our Hiring Partner Success as "Our Success" and More importantly, A Happy Hiring Partner will continue to work with us for all their Hiring Needs!
Every Organization, Big or Small has to focus on their Hiring Strategy to ensure they are in a position to address the growing demands. Teaming with the RIGHT HIRING PARTNER like iHRAssist.com, will ensure that you get the ROI, as we respond immediately, to your evolving needs by acting as your extended HR team.
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